Take a foreign product, which does not currently exist in America, and introduce it to the US market.
First: The Squatting Toilet
We began with the Turkish toilet (also known as the squatting toilet). We wanted to bring something to the US that would shake up American culture. The squatting toilet is a much healthier and hygienic way to use the bathroom, due to the bodies positioning. But in America, the toilet is taboo talk. We knew we had to make it part of the American conversation and something to be excited about.
Next: Le Penseur
After careful research and consideration, we realized that while we wanted a challenge, the squatting toilet was not feasible for Americans due to age and weight limitations. After extensive research we found ‘Le Penseur’ an innovative toilet designed by British student, Peter Codling. The design allows the user to simulate the squatting position while still sitting comfortably in a supportive toilet.

And Finally: Darwin by Dyson
As we thought about how to position this new toilet design, we carefully considered what it stood for. We realized that Le Penseur was about powerful innovation, even in the little things. That brought us to Dyson. We felt that this was the perfect brand for this design as Dyson has continuously led the way in home/bathroom innovation. As our creative concept developed we changed the name to the Darwin and the rest is history.
“A toilet that allows people to rid themselves of waste in the manner in which they were designed.”
- Peter Codling
Americans are simply not willing to have a conversation when it comes to the squatting toilet. And we found that there were three main roadblocks to opening up the floor to consideration.

Toilet talk is taboo.
Nobody likes talking about bathroom stuff. It's just awkward. Our first obstacle was getting the conversation going. How could we get people interested enough in toilets, and what (ahem) they're used for, to think beyond choosing the obvious?
The squatting toilet, we just don't get it.
But our biggest hurdle was getting Americans to even consider the idea of a squatting toilet. While it's considered the norm in Asia and the Middle East, in the US it's not only mostly unheard of, it's often seen as 'strange' or 'unsanitary.' Most Americans are unaware of the fact that the squatting toilet is actually the healthier and more sanitary option. How could we break this stigma and show the true benefits of the squatting toilet?

Toilet innovation? I'm not impressed.
And while we had the idea of innovation on our side, the truth is, most people searching for the 'new' and 'innovative' are looking beyond their toilets. "If I'm going to get something innovative, it's going to be something better than a toilet." We had to get people excited, not just about the idea of something new and different, but about something new and different and as ordinary as the toilet
Age- 35-55
Average Income:
Average 45
54% male, 46% female
70 % married
72% own their own home.
Age- 56-75
Average Income:
Average 64
56% male, 46% female
76 % married
74% own their own home.
Early adopters are defined by mostly psychographics rather than demographics. A few of their most important characteristics:
• Critical, share their opinion, and value the chance to provide feedback
• Fiends for the new as forward-thinking individuals that believe there is always room for improvement.
• “Intrigued by possibility and familiar with the challenges in a product category through previous experience and research, they are more willing
to absorb the risks that are associated with purchasing something in its 1.0 or beta phase.”
• Curious, adventurous, and like to display knowledge and status that comes with being the first to adopt a new product or way of thinking
• Highly educated and likely to be interested in design, technology, and ergonomics.
The key to the consumer is timing:
It's not about convincing someone that they need a new toilet but rather that when purchasing a toilet, this is the one they need.

Total Audience 4.3M Median HHI: $93,318 41% between age 35-54

Darwin will be available in the shopping portion of the website and through reaching out to designers featured on the site, will be visible in individual designer’s profile pages whose design styles that align with the product’s modern and innovative feel.

Audience 8.6M Median HHI $70,844 Median Age 46.8

Audience 1.05M Median HHI $118,978 Median Age 42.4

Abridged :30 versions of our ad will be featured in conjunction with HGTV Dream Home segments, as well as product placement on the shows website.
Early adopters
Who are they?
Early adopters like to be guinea pigs for new tech. They feast on the latest information, but above all crave influence over what happens next. They even like to tinker with technology and use things in a manner in which they weren’t originally designed. They constantly try to improve on what’s been done before and are in pursuit of “Relentless innovation,” as some call it. So how can we make them feel like they’re a part of this process of constant experimentation and tap into their craving for influence?
It’s all about timing.
We want to target those who have an affinity for innovation, however, purchasing a toilet is a high investment. So we also want to make sure our focus is on those who are in the realm of purchasing a toilet. For example, those who are remodeling, purchasing a new home, or perhaps who ‘flip' houses.
For this reason, channels are important. We want to use media that not only speaks to innovation but also well represents the beauty that is design and will reach these innovation seekers at the right time. Some examples of where you will find our target: Home design and improvement magazines such as Home and Design or Home and Decor; Home improvement TV Networks such as HGTV and the The Design Network; Interior Design sites such as Houzz.
In order to find our solution, we had to go back to the very idea of why innovation exists. It’s not just about making something new, but about making something better. And the Darwin was just that.
To inspire innovation seekers to see the toilet in a new light and what possibilities there could be there for innovation.
When pursuing innovation, we often overlook the basics. But we must remember, like the wheel, the simplest innovation can change everything.
Bring simple innovation to life. Remind consumers that, sometimes, the things we overlook are the ones that matter the most.

Concept: "Design is a process of natural selection."
Logo & Product Design



These point of purchase displays would be located in pop-up shops as well as in stores.